It has been raining for a few days now. It's getting tiresome. And depressing. I went searching for a photo that I know would have expressed the mood perfectly.
I may have even shuffled past it, I was having so much fun tripping down memory lane. The photo I was looking for is this: a little girl looking out the rain streaked window. The trees in the yard are blurred by the rivulets of rain running down the window. The little girl is back-lit by the dim natural light. It is an awesome pic. It says "Rain, rain, go away so I can go outside and play" or whatever the hell we used to say when we were kids.
I did not see that photo but I came across so many jewels I did not know whether to sit, spin or make a necklace. I scanned some and will present one now, circa 1987. We might call it Minature Housewife.
Little H is "reading" In the Land of Dreamy Dreams by Ellen Gilchrist. Good stuff. The poor thing is trussed up in pink foam rollers, an attempt to girlify a tiny person who gave not one whit about her appearance.
There is a cup of coffe by her side. It is not hers, of course, but I wanted the illusion to be there. I did resist shooting her with a lit cigarette tucked between her tiny fingers. It would have made a MUCH better picture, though.