Monday, December 17, 2007

You Say Po-Ta-To and I Say Yam

This post is for Gwen who posted back in November about yams. Or sweet potatoes. Whatever....

NO! Not "whatever". This is not to be taken lightly, as I discovered. Mea culpa!

To prove to her that here in the Heartland tubers are properly identified, I took this photo in a grocery store before Thanksgiving:


I went back to the store after Thanksgiving and the same tubers in the same bin had the label "YAMS". ~sigh~

I don't mean to be a burr under her blanket. I love her blog. And this is the post that got me hooked.

1 comment:

Gwen said...

I greatly appreciate your attention to the sweet potato/yam distinction. I feel like I've made a difference in the world now.