As usual, we started holiday celebrations at Crab's parents on Christmas Eve. It was low key compared to years past. In fact, it was a little strange in comparison. His folks are starting to slip and the lack of traditional crap which used to bug us bugged us because it was not there.
In their golden years they have discovered the joys of the company of cats, not that this detracted from the holiday. In fact the cats are a nice diversion and give one a topic of conversation other than "I told you that twelve times already" or "your house smells like a sewer".
The young addition to their family was cowering in the basement, poor thing. She was frightened by the sudden influx of humans. But the king of the house reigned.
Cards have always been played at every get-together at Crab's parent's house. Crab's parents have approximately 389 decks of cards, some of which have been combined for Spite and Malice. After opening gifts, eating dinner and washing dishes H and I settled down to a game of four point pitch with her grandparents. I selected a deck which had a note attached that said it was for a 5 person game of pitch. We pulled out all the cards from 3-6 and started playing.
H & her grandpa won the first game. H and I were rolling our eyes when her grandma claimed to have played the 10 of diamonds earlier when it was crystal clear I had played it on the last hand. The second game ended with H and I aching with laughter. She snorted. I nearly pissed my pants. This happened on the same play:
Did I mention they were slipping?
The next day we opened presents here before heading to my folks. There's not much expectation there. There are no traditions except for the excellent food. Oh, and the fact that it becomes an official holiday when someone whips out a gun. Then others run to their trucks and get out their guns. Let the pissing match begin! It's better when it's warmer and the guns tend to be farther away from the house.
This year only one brother produced a gun. My niece showed off her skills.
H's boyfriend shot a gun for the first time ever.
I am jealous of the birds that flock to my parent's feeders. I rarely see a cardinal here but they are so ho-hum at my folks.
Christmas night we chilled at home and played Yahtzee.
I was not feeling well over the holidays. One day around New Year's I spent the whole day in my jammies. When I finally felt semi-human I went out into a blue and frosty day.
Holidays are over and I am glad for that. Now if i could only get rid of whatever it is that has been hanging on to my throat since before Christmas. New year, new hopes and today -- a new bird. One I have never seen hanging around at my folk's place.
You are an incredible photographer. Thanks for the recap! I never understood the gun thing until I moved to South Dakota. It's inevitable at almost every gathering.
The one brother who whipped out a gun at Christmas lives in South Dakota now. Watch out!
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