We are under a winter storm watch. I've lost count the watches, warnings, days of blizzard conditions, snowfall totals, how many times we've had freezing rain and the number of days school has been canceled. I think last week was the first full week of school since some time in November. They had an early dismissal on Friday, though, because it was snowing.
At least there are breaks between bouts of weather we do not want, giving one a chance to run to town for milk and cat food. When thousands sat in the dark for days we lost our electricity only for a few minutes. I am most grateful for having electricity when the weather is so bad. This is me, counting my blessings.
A few weeks ago the road grader got a little too close to the ditch. It's understandable since it is really hard to tell what is ditch and what is road.
This is how a road grader gets unstuck.
Sorry, it was a cold day and I took pictures from inside the house. I didn't want to alienate the county workers by photographing from the road or the yard. I'm sure gawking and photographing them from my window did not bother them at all.
Winter has been tough on everyone. Here's a squirrel eating peanut butter and cornmeal out of a feeder I made for woodpeckers.
Yesterday was a nice day. It was warm by winter standards and very still. I tried going for a walk down the back lane but gave up. I needed snowshoes. So I took a stroll down the road.
It's snowing now. If the thought of what's to follow weren't so darn depressing it would be a very pretty snowfall.